
Site: Salt, Girona
Use: Healthcare


The current character of the park and the low heights of the existing pavilions, which give the complex a pleasant air, are considered very positive for the therapy of mentally ill patients. The hygienist tradition of building a health facility in a natural environment is a good premise for the organization of the centre.

The building has been divided into three nursing units as defined in the functional plan, locating two on the ground floor and one on the first floor. The aforementioned first floor is related to the garden area with the aim of avoiding the isolation of this unit from the outside.

The layout of the floor plan in the form of an “L” allows to define some open patios towards all the communal and public activities of the center are turned; it also facilitates the differentiation between the diurnal and the nocturnal area. Thus, trees and landscaping become basic elements of the building’s planning.

The image of the building seeks to integrate with the dimension of the current and future trees, preventing an excessively tall or massive building from harming the balance between building and vegetation. From a distant vision it must be a clear, representative and identifiable image but not too hard: the dimension, the color, and the rhythm define these values.

Project Name: Medical and Social Centre
Site: Dr. Castany / c. Moreneta / c. Dr. Ramón y Cajal / Perifèric Sud, Salt (Gironès)
Use: Healthcare
Project date: 1997
Construction end date: 2003
Property: Institut d’Assistència Sanitària
Parc Sanitari Martí Julià
Land area: 116.943 m²
Floor area: 9.452 m²

Authors: Manuel Brullet i Tenas, Alfonso de Luna i Colldefors, Albert de Pineda Álvarez (Pinearq SLP)
Contributors: Albert Vitaller (Pinearc), Xavier Llambrich
Project Manager: Valeri Consultors
Surveyors:Francesc Xuriguer
Facilities: J.G.&Asociados
Structure: Manuel Arguijo y Asociados S.L.
Photographer:Lluís Casals