Hospital del Mar, Barcelona
Site: Barcelona
Use: Healthcare
The enlargement and remodeling project of the Hospital del Mar had a twofold objective: defining the new functioning and physical organization of the Olympic hospital and consolidating its structure and image within the actions and projects of the nearby seafront.
From the urban point of view, the new buildings of the hospital had to connect the district of Barceloneta with the new Olympic Village by means of the organization of a new façade of the seafront. It further provided the opportunity to integrate these hospital facilities with the section of green spaces of the seafront, providing green, pleasant, and soft architectural spaces.
The natural light, the inside-outside relationship, and the search for a homely atmosphere were the guiding parameters in defining the project. This comfortable atmosphere is obtained from both the functional personalization of the building, which avoids overcrowding in the entrances, consultancies, and hospital services and in the personalization of each subset of the hospital. It also involves the appropriation of space by the healthcare staff, based on the attention to the functional contents of each space.
To achieve a homely atmosphere the contents of the space had to be studied in depth. The idea of spatial comfort comes, in part, from the possibility of the appropriation of space. In this sense, the attempt was made to ensure that all the facilities were amalgamated within the general atmosphere in the most harmonious way possible. All the spaces possess the most advanced facilities, but this is not shown ostentatiously. The furnishing is an essential element in the personalization of the architectural spaces and in attaining the abovementioned homely atmosphere.
Project Name: Hospital del Mar
Site: Barcelona
Use: Healthcare
Project date: 1987
Construction start date: 1988
Construction end date: 1992
Property: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Consorci de la Zona Franca, D.U.R.S.I.
Land area: 36.035 m²
Floor area: 57.581 m²
Authors:Manuel Brullet i Tenas, Albert de Pineda i Àlvarez
Contributors:Alfonso de Luna, Xavier Llambrich, Mateu Barba, Contxita Balcells, Xavier Hernández, Jaume Valor, Toni Vilanova, Anna Brullet, Fidela Frutós, Montse Garcia, Joan Rivas, Rosa Mª Truco, Rafael Fayos, Vicente Benítez, Carles Hernández
Surveyors: Josep Mª Sanmartín, Anna Granell
Facilities: Mateu Hernàndez, Jesús Alonso, CAST Enginyers
Structure: Manel Arguijo y Asociados, Jesús Pérez, Mateu Hernandez
Builder: Cubiertas i MZOV
Photographer:Ferran Freixa
Awards: Winner FAD Architecture Awards 1992
Selected, III Spanish Bienal 1995
Selected, Premis Década, Oscar Tusquets Foundation 2002
01- “Manuel Brullet”, Ed. Gustavo Gili (1998)
02- “III Biennal d´Arquitectura Española 1993/1994” p.84-87 p.170
03- A&V nº 45-46 1994 p.140-143
04- AA files 30 p,47-60
05- “Arquitectura a Catalunya l´era democràtica 1977-1996” Generalitat de Catalunya p.110, 144
06- “Baumeister nº10” 1993 p.42-49
07- “Barcelona 1992-2004” Ed. Gustavo Gili p.26-29 p.122-125
08- “Barcelona arquitectura contemporània 1979-2004” Ed. Polígrafa p.50,110,220
09- “Barcelona Salut nº5” 1989 p.1-3 p.6-8
10- “Casabella nº604” p,62-64
11- “Catalunya Arquitectura Generalitat de Catalunya” Coac p.88-89, p.104-105
12- “DBZ nº8” 1993 p.1279-1284
13- “Detail 1994” p.591-593
14- “Diseño interior nº25” 1993 p.40-47
15- “El Croquis 62” p.234-246
16- “HOSPITAL DEL MAR ART I SANITAT Consorci Sanitari de Catalunya”
17- “Materia nº38” 2002 p.36-45
18- “Nous paisatges” p.156,158-159
19- “On Diseño nº143” p.162-173
20- “Premis FAD Arquitectura i interiorisme 1992” p. 64-67
21- “Quaderns Barcelona II nº187” p.76
22- “Quaderns Renovating nº201” pp.86-95
23- “a+t, nº8” 1996 pp.74-103
24- “Krakenhäuser für Berlin” 1996, p.54-55 p.132-137
24- “Un Hospital Davant del Mar Remodel.lació arquitectònica de l´Hospital del Mar de Barcelona Consorci Sanitari de Barcelona-IMAS”
25- (link)
26- (link)